
Design Overview

"LyricLab" offers innovative means for individuals to communicate through music by engaging in a process of lyric labelling. Our platform involves collecting vocabulary from lyrics, creating collage posts, and incorporating doodling comments, all designed to empower people with communication disorders. While other forms of communication aids, such as ACC, only provide basic expression capabilities, LyricLab utilizes sentiment analysis (a sub-domain of NLP) to detect specific feelings and emotions beyond just polarity (positive, negative, neutral). Our platform also fosters a sense of community, enabling users to connect with others and receive support while improving their communication skills.

My Role

Team Lead, Research, Brainstorm, UX/UI Design and Prototype, Final Presentation


Amiko, Lily Li, Yingxin Xu


24 hours Designation + 1 week Iteration


🏆 Finalist / Second Place
CreateSC 2023 Annual UX/UI Designathon hosted by Innovative Design @USC

Initial Research

After we received the prompt, we did some background research. First, we targeted understanding “Expressive dialogue.” The key takeaway from the prompt is we noticed that “ People’s expression could be complex.” We also found some facts about communication disorder people and guided us to the follow-up questions.


“Expressive dialogue is [use non-language] to [express one’s self]. It ... is often complex.”


“... mobile app ... communication disorders express themselves ... build their sense of community and belonging.”


People’s expression needs could be complex.


People with communication (speak/listen/read/write) disorders experience difficulties in delivering their deep and complex feelings, emotions, ideas, and arguments to an audience.

Follow-Up Question

- How do people with communication disorder express themselves?

- How do people usually express complex thoughts?

Features Overview

Utilize LyricLab as a communication tool; users could build an expression vocabulary database, create collages, react to others’ posts, and see a community of others who are alike. 

➊ Daily Mood Music Assigning

Mood-music filter: good mood? Bad mood? or complicated mind? You can always find the best-matched music of your day.

âž‹ Label Lyrics With Emotions And Add Lyrics To Database

The lyrics labeling mini-game helps to build your exclusive lyric database.

➌ Generating Daily Emotional Expression From Lyric Database And Stickers

Creating posts that can best express your thoughts and emotions through your personalized lyric database and stickers.

➍ Sharing With Community And Reacting With Doodling

Connecting with a broader community full of talented artists that finally find a way to express themselves like you!

Current Solution & Deficiency

During the user study, we found a pain point that “ current methods can only communicate basic needs and wants.” Inspired by AAC and How people usually express complex thoughts, we formed our initial HMW question: “HMW twist or combine the current methods to help communication?”

People with communication disorder express themselves by using

*Augmentative and Alternative communication (AAC) devices have been built to help people with aphasia to communicate basic needs and wants. AAC devices mostly utilize icons for communication

People express complex thoughts by using

Pain Point of The Current Solution

Current methods can only communicate basic needs and wants

Users' Actual Needs

Communicate complex and deep and complex feelings, emotions, ideas, and arguments to an audience


How Might We twist or combine above ways to upgrade our target audience’s current communication methods?

User Interview To Gather Insights

During the user interview, we tried to bring out their intuitive thoughts about the problems. After analyzing the data, we found two insights that could help us build design guidelines.

Understanding Users

To better sum up and help our team understand users, we created a persona and pointed out their pain points and user needs.


We think it will be more natural and intuitive to interact with our solution if we combine our solution into an everyday activity, which is listening to music. Based on how we might solve the problem, we sketch our ideas to brainstorm some key features. We keep their facial expressions stickers while incorporating lyrics, sound, and images, allowing them to make creative collages. We created a digital demo from the sketches about our two main interactions: labeling lyrics & creating a multi-sensory collage 

Information Architecture

We organized a user flow before we jumped into pulling together a practical user interface.

We then tried to get UI improved by amplifying text size and making the visual part popping up to make it more user-friendly for people with the communication disorder due to the information capturing deficiency.

Design System - User Friendly for Communitation Disorder

For the visual design, we focused on bringing joy and interaction easiness because our users are experiencing difficulties and might have operative constraints while interacting with our mobile APP.

Final Design

Click To Watch Finalist Presentation on Youtube ↗

Click To View Figma Prototype ↗

01 Daily Music Assigning

02 Label Lyrics With Emotions And Add Lyrics To Database

03 Generating Daily Emotional Expression From Lyric Database And Stickers

04 Sharing With Community And Reacting With Doodling

Wrap It UP

LyricLab addresses the complexity of people's expressions and aims to assist individuals with communication disorders, it integrates with everyday activities, such as listening to music, to enhance user interaction with sentiment analysis utilized to detect specific feelings and emotions beyond polarity. Users can build an expression vocabulary database, create collages, react to posts, and join a community.


1. Make sure to support design decisions with deep user research.
2. Think wild and of the big picture but stay focused on MVP features.
3. Provide enough predictability and trust on interfaces for users.
4. The UI design should fit specific groups of users' need, the standard is not always the same.

Next Step

- Usability testing for people with communication disorders.
- Design Iteration to better fulfill the user needs.
- Working on the technical resolution of Natural Language Classification.